Thursday, October 17, 2013

Important Symptoms of Kidney Stones You Should Know

By Mi Vandeputte

Kidney Stones are a painful problem that affects a lot of people. Depending on the person kidney stones can present themselves in a number of ways since there are several types of stones that often have different symptoms for each person. If you suspect that you have any symptoms of kidney stones, such as the ones we'll be covering in this article, you should consult with your doctor to find out what's going on.

The unfortunate primary symptom is sometimes unbearable pain, but that can also be caused by other conditions. The pain is more like acute pain because the level of it is high, and it can come on very fast. The pain might be in the abdomen, lower back or groin. A lot of sufferers claim the pain that can occur out of the blue is the worst pain they have endured. Kidney stones are not something to fool around with, and you should call your physician's office for further instructions. You definitely want to curtail this condition very quickly, and then take measures to prevent them from getting worse or reoccurring.

Simply treating the symptoms of kidney stones is a different issue than treating the kidney stones themselves. If you have severe pains of any kind, you should seek medical help as soon as possible, though you can take aspirin or other pain medications to make you more comfortable.

Some kidney stone sufferers experience a dull, chronic pain in their lower back. Of course, this can be tricky to diagnose, as back pain is an extremely common symptom and doesn't necessarily mean kidney stones. While back pain is often connected with physical activity or muscle or joint problems, kidney stones are different. In these cases, the pain isn't connected to any muscular exertion and doesn't get better on its own. This is why it's a good idea to have persistent back pain checked out and not simply rely on pain medication to treat it yourself. If you also have other symptoms aside from back pain, such as being tired more than usual or other pain, this is all the more reason to be concerned.

If you're not sure whether or not you have kidney stones, you should make sure you get it checked out, as prostate conditions, appendicitis and other problems can produce similar symptoms. Kidney stones in women are sometimes mistaken for menstrual pain or pain associated with being pregnant. It's very important to have any such problem diagnosed accurately, as the above are all serious but very different conditions. Because of the different forms they take, kidney stones can be a little tricky to diagnose without medical tests, so if you're not sure you have them, you shouldn't automatically assume this is your problem. On the other hand, you shouldn't rule it out either.

We've looked at some of the symptoms of kidney stones, though, as we've seen, this condition can manifest in a variety of ways. Many people have smaller kidney stones that produce very minor symptoms, or in some cases none at all. You should take any kidney stones seriously, though, as if you don't make the necessary changes in your diet and lifestyle you could end up with a more serious case in the future. It's often possible to prevent kidney stones from returning by making long term changes in how you eat, how much water you drink and the amount of exercise you get on a regular basis.

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Calcium Kidney Stones Avoid Them Forever!

In this article we will discuss calcium kidney stones. This is one of the most common type of stone to affect people. It is said that at least 80% of cases have stones composed partially of calcium.Calcium is a normal part of a healthy diet. Normally, the calcium that is not used by your bones makes its way to your kidneys where it is flushed along with the rest of your urine.

However, with some people, this calcium is retained in the kidney and binds with other substances to form a stone.The most common substances that the calcium binds with is oxalate, phosphate or carbonate.There are few things you can do to avoid the formation of a calcium stone.For instance, you should try to limit the amount of salt in your diet. Salt is made of sodium chloride.

Olive Oil Help For Kidney Stones

The sodium in salt triggers more calcium to be excreted by urine increasing the risk for stone formation. Another tip to help avoid formation is to reduce the amount of dairy intake.It is a well known fact that calcium kidney stones can be hereditary. If you have had a stone once, there is a good chance that it will develop again.That is why it is extremely important to follow the right prevention steps.

On the other hand, if you have not developed a stone yet, but you have a family history of calcium stones, make sure you visit your doctor. Get tested to see if you are prone to the same problems.In the article above we discussed calcium kidney stones. To summarize, we talked about how these stones form, tips to prevent formation, and the role that heredity plays. For more information on how to get rid of your kidney stones be sure to visit my site below.
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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Kidney stones, Information about Kidney stones

Kidneys are the bean shaped organs that have the important function of cleansing the blood in the body. Kidney stones are the collection of small compounds found inside the kidneys. They can be as tiny as a grain of rice or wheat or as large as a ping-pong ball.

The most common type of kidney stone is calcium oxalate stones and they are formed by the excessive consumption of calcium. The other types are calcium phosphate, cystine, struvite etc.

They are caused by the accrual of certain chemicals that are found in the urine inside the kidney causing the formation of small stones that can be very painful.

An individual's genetic factors are one of the major causes of stones in the kidney. The climatic conditions that cause dehydration in people could also contribute to the formation of stones in the kidney.

Typically a kidney stone does not exhibit any symptoms as they are so tiny, and one realizes its incidence only when it moves into the tube that connects the kidney to the urinary bladder.

This is when one experiences excruciating spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen and the back. The pain ends only when the stone enters the bladder. If the stone is bigger it could even block the passage of urine.

One of the best means of treating this disease is by dissolving the kidney stone, rather than opting for surgery. It involves breaking up of the stone into granules by laser treatment so that it can be expelled painlessly. But with larger kidney stones surgery could be the only alternative.

If an individual has experienced the traumas of kidney stones, he must remember that there are chances of it recurring so the ideal means of prevention is to drink plenty of water because stones are difficult to form in very dilute urine.

Having a diet low in calcium can also prevent stones formation in the kidney. Once bitten twice shy is an adage that can be applied here for those who have suffered the agonies of kidney stones earlier.
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